This Week at The Centre

Sep 2019
The Gift of Sabbath

Do you plan how you will rest? Do you work into your daily and weekly schedule times to rest/reflect/unplug/unwind? It is getting more and more difficult in our day and age to find time to be quiet and still. All too often our days are scheduled and full, and the moments we do have we spend checking up on our devices to see what’s going on in the world. We are plugged in, tuned in, giving 110% and all too often simply crashing at the end of the day. This lifestyle is not sustainable.......

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Looking for Jesus
June 26, 2019

Looking for Jesus

Summer is finally here! After what seemed like forever, it has arrived. Of course I’m exaggerating — it really only was a little cooler than usual, and in the grand scheme of things, not that...

Worship in Song
June 19, 2019

Worship in Song

Music plays a big part in how we worship God. Even if you think you’re not musically gifted, we are still called to worship God with songs — there are over 65 times in the book...

Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer
June 11, 2019

Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer

When I first planned out this sermon series on Spiritual Disciplines I knew that prayer would either be the first or the last topic that we looked at. This is because prayer is central, or...

Spiritual Disciplines: Evangelism
June 05, 2019

Spiritual Disciplines: Evangelism

If you read through the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) you’ll quickly see that Jesus expects quite a bit from those who follow Him. There are many expectations that we won’t just learn about what...

Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting
May 28, 2019

Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting

This Sunday we will be continuing our series in Spiritual Disciplines looking at fasting. Fasting tends to be one of the most misunderstood of the Spiritual Disciplines, and like most things we can’t make sense...

Spiritual Disciplines: Worship
May 21, 2019

Spiritual Disciplines: Worship

One spiritual discipline that we’re called to do as Christians that is often confused or unclear is worship. Often when we hear that word our first thought is music, the singing part of our Sunday...