Tag: Advent

Dec 2016
Advent Week Four: Love

This Sunday we will be lighting the fourth candle of advent, the candle of love. As we reflect on what it means to love, ask yourself the following questions: How do you love someone who for you is hard to love? How do you care for someone who has no care for you, and who likely wouldn’t even acknowledge any help you might give them? How can you offer something in kindness to another person knowing full well that they might turn their back on you without so much as a thank......

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Advent Week Three: Joy
December 06, 2016

Advent Week Three: Joy

This coming Sunday will be the third Sunday of Advent – the Sunday of Joy.  What brings you joy?  What is something in your life that grabs your attention?  When do you feel most alive? ...

Advent Week One: Hope
November 26, 2016

Advent Week One: Hope

This Sunday marks the first Sunday of Advent. Traditionally, this is the Sunday of Hope, of looking forward towards the promise of the Messiah. It is a time of anticipation, of believing and trusting that...