Things I’ve Learned: God is Here, There, and Everywhere
I remember going grocery shopping with my mom when I was little. We went to the A&P in the Parry Sound Mall — a huge place for tiny legs. One time as we were walking through the mall to get to the store I stopped to look at something, and when I turned back to the spot where I’d left my mom she wasn’t there. Now, in all likelihood, she was probably only 5 feet from the spot I was looking, but I couldn’t see her, and so I did what any rational child would do, I ran! I ran back the way we’d come, hoping that around each corner I’d see her. I ran out of the mall, into the parking lot, and she wasn’t there! I couldn’t even find our car. I made my way back to the mall, sobbing, but instead of going inside I found a place by the entrance between two mailboxes and wedged myself in. After what seemed like forever (likely less than 2 minutes) my mom found me, hugged me, and wiped away my tears as her own tears fell on to me.
It’s no fun feeling alone in this big, wide world — there’s lots of scary things out there. I believe that’s why God reminds us in Psalm 139 that we’re not alone, we’re never alone. As long as He is God and we’re His creation, He knows where we are and how we’re doing (read it and see for yourself). Jesus continues this promise to those who follow Him telling them that He would never leave or forsake them. And with this promise we have God’s Spirit active and alive inside us! There truly is no where we can go without Him! On Sunday at our gathering we’ll learn more and celebrate this. If you know of someone in your life who is feeling lost and alone, this would be a great Sunday to invite them out.
Pastor Mike
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