Living In the Kingdom/Living Out the Kingdom: Honouring God

Every person likely has something special that they hold dear. It might be a picture of a loved one, a family heirloom that’s been passed down from generation to generation, or perhaps something that reminds them of a special memory. Whatever it might be, if that item were broken or went missing there would likely be a sense of loss and profound sadness. The connection to the past, or a special person, would be damaged.
In John 2:13-25, we read of Jesus’ actions towards the money changers and those selling animals in the temple courtyard. His response is strong and direct, and makes it very clear how He feels about the temple, the place where all people were supposed to be able to worship and celebrate God. Jesus had a perfect connection with His heavenly Father, and He knew how the actions of those in the market place offended Him.
On Sunday we’re going to look at this passage and hopefully see how Jesus’ response in the temple should also be our response when it comes to issues that bring offence to God and His name.
April 13, 2016
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