Things I’ve Learned: Jesus as Lord
From our summer 2016 series: “Things I’ve Learned Through Scripture”…
Rob Lucas, a member of The Centre, shares what he has learned about what it means to make Jesus Lord of your life.
At some point in our life we’ve all had to take direction from someone. Whether it was from a parent instructing us on how to do things properly, or a boss telling us how she’d like the job done her way, or a teacher/instructor showing us the way to do something safely. Taking direction means that we humble ourselves, listen, and accept that we don’t have all the answers. It also means that we’re not in charge — we don’t get to make all the decisions. For a Christian, Jesus is both our Saviour and our Lord. He is the only one who can set us free from sin, and He is also the only one that we are to follow.
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