Mar 2017
Every person faces difficult decisions throughout their lives: who to marry, what line of work to pursue, where to live, how many kids to have, when to quit, when to say goodbye to a loved one. We face decisions everyday, but the one that impacts us the most — or should, at least — is who we call “lord”. For whomever we call the lord of our life, that is the one who affects every decision we make. If we put ourselves at the centre, then all our decisions will revolve around......
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January 24, 2017
Philippians: The Mindset of Christ
“Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” This was the challenge that Paul gave to the Philippian church as he called them to be unified. He then goes on to describe what Christ’s mindset really...
November 01, 2016
The Trinity: Jesus, the Son of God
This week we continue our look at the Trinity as we focus on Jesus, the son of God. Just like last week when we looked at God the Father we will likely come away with...
May 11, 2016
Living In the Kingdom/Living Out the Kingdom: Bringing Wholeness
We live in a throw away culture. If something’s broken, we pitch it and get a new one. Very rarely will we take the time, effort and money to fix something because it simply isn’t...