The Trinity: Jesus, the Son of God

The Trinity: Jesus, the Son of God

This week we continue our look at the Trinity as we focus on Jesus, the son of God.  Just like last week when we looked at God the Father we will likely come away with just as many questions as we do answers — these are big topics, and things that we need to continually wrestle with in order for us to grow and mature as followers of Christ.  I’d encourage each of you to write down questions that you might have as you read through Scripture or other books, and as you listen to sermons and other teachings.  Do not passively take things in.  Instead, ask questions and seek out understanding, for the more we know about all three persons of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) the better prepared for all areas of life we will be.

One question that many have is why did Jesus have to die?  It seems cruel — some have even called Jesus’ death cosmic child-abuse.  It also seems like if God were really all-powerful then another way could have been found.  These are good questions, and good things to wrestle with.  My hope and prayer is that as we look at Jesus this coming Sunday that we will understand the motivation behind why He came, lived a perfect life, and chose to die in agreement with and obedience to God the Father.  In order to help you prepare for this Sunday please read through John 1, Philippians 2:1-11, and Hebrews 8-10 (all of Hebrews would be best, but that’s a lot of reading!  But if you’re up to it, go for it!).

Once again I’ll put the challenge out that if you know of someone who has questions about God, by all means invite them out!  We will stick around after the service for as late as we need to continue the conversation, and continue wrestling for answers.  Our gathering starts at 6pm.

Pastor Mike


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