Tag: Trinity

Nov 2016
Understanding the Trinity

How would you explain the Trinity to someone? Some have tried to use an egg as a metaphor — shell, yolk, white — all three different yet all connected. Another popular way is to say the Trinity is like the three states of water — gas (vapour), liquid, solid (ice). Another way has been to say it’s like the same person having three different names — dad, husband, brother. The unfortunate thing is that all of these fall short of describing the God head. Actually, there is no way in creation to......

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The Trinity: The Holy Spirit
November 10, 2016

The Trinity: The Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit? What is His role and place in the Trinity? How can we know Him? Why do we address the Holy Spirit as male? Of the three persons of the Trinity,...

The Trinity: Jesus, the Son of God
November 01, 2016

The Trinity: Jesus, the Son of God

This week we continue our look at the Trinity as we focus on Jesus, the son of God.  Just like last week when we looked at God the Father we will likely come away with...