Acts: Miraculous Conversions

Do you remember when you were first saved, when you first accepted the need for a Saviour and called out to God? If you are a Christian today, then that means at some point in your life you weren’t. The bible teaches us that all of us, every single person, was at one time an enemy of God (read through John 5 to get a clear picture of this), that we were spiritually dead in our sins (Ephesians 2 and Romans 3), and we needed saving — this was why Jesus came (look at Luke 19:1-9, or Matthew 9:9-13). The fact is at one point we were walking in rebellion to God, but then we were saved from our sin, were turned 180 degrees, and now we are walking with God.
This coming Sunday we’ll be looking at Acts 9. This is the story of Saul’s radical conversion, going from a hunter of Christians to a follower of Christ. It is a remarkable story of grace and redemption, and should give us hope that no one is too far gone that they cannot be saved. This week as you’re reading through Acts 9 I’d encourage you to remember and reflect on your own conversion, when you became a follower of Jesus. It may not be as radical as Saul’s, but one thing I can assure you of is that it was miraculous. You were once dead in your sin, but now you are alive! That’s pretty amazing! Praise be to God!
Pastor Mike
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