Advent: Peace
The Hebrew word for peace is ‘shalom’ but it means much more than what our english word means. Peace for us in english is simply the absence of war or conflict, but most of us know that just because there is no outward fighting or hostilities doesn’t necessarily mean that isn’t any animosity or that relationships are repaired. Even if an argument is over, and peace has returned, there can still be tension and an uneasiness. There might be peace, but there isn’t shalom.
The word shalom means that not only is there an absence of fighting, but there is also a working together to restore what was broken. It is repairing damaged relationships, making good on payments for what was broken or lost, and rebuilding what was torn down.
When we understand peace this way it should change the way we see Jesus. Yes, He is the Prince of Peace (see the prophecy in Isaiah 9:2-7), the One who has come to make peace between us and God, but He doesn’t just end the fighting between us and God (see Romans 5:8), He begins to restore the broken relationship that we have with God. More than that, He pays for our sins, our debt, through His sacrificial death which means we’re no longer bound by sin (read through Ephesians 2). And as the Prince of Peace His reign will bring a full restoration of creation, rebuilding everything to the way it’s supposed to be. This has already begun, but we’re not all the way there just yet.
Once we’ve accepted Jesus’ offer of peace, we are then called to become peace makers (see Matthew 5:9), going out in His name bringing restoration and peace. We won’t just stop fighting, we’ll start repairing and rebuilding and restoring, and doing all this in Jesus’ name and for His glory!
Blessings, Pastor Mike
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