Jesus the King!

Jesus the King!

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!”
When we think of royalty, the picture that most quickly comes to mind is one of pageantry and excess. Last year there was a royal wedding in Britain and it seemed as if the whole world was watching, discussing every aspect of the whole production (and it was a huge production!). The invited guests contained a “who’s who” of the entertainment and political worlds — people of power and prestige. This was no small affair! And this wedding will pale in comparison to when the next monarch is crowned.

Compare this scene to how Jesus was welcomed as King in Jerusalem. He didn’t require much, only that a certain colt would be found for Him to ride. He didn’t send an itinerary forward with the parade route mapped out. There wasn’t a huge reception waiting for Him once they reached the temple. There were no discussions as to His pedigree. And yet people knew that He was the King! Those who were present welcomed Him with shouts of “Hosanna!” and laid their cloaks down on the road He was travelling. They cut palm branches as well and placed them on the road, a sign of victory and Jewish nationalism. There was no mistaking who Jesus was, and He didn’t fight it or tell people to stop. In fact, Jesus told the Pharisees that if the people were quiet “the stones will cry out!” In other words, all of creation knew that He was King!

This coming Sunday at our gathering we’re going to celebrate Jesus as King, and discuss what that means for us. How does His triumphal entry into Jerusalem affect our lives today? If you are interested in coming for prayer before the service,  we will meet after 3pm to pray.

Have a blessed week!

Pastor Mike


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