Mark: Timing

Mark: Timing

So much of our lives run on schedules. From work and school, to appointments, to holidays, to having your vehicle serviced — pretty much everything we do is subject to time. And I often hear people say that there just isn’t enough time to get everything done in a day. We are bound to time. Even if we’d like to be free from it, it’s virtually impossible in our culture.

But this isn’t a new thing. Even in Jesus’ day people had their own schedules and agendas to keep, and often for a very good reason. In the story of Jairus’ daughter in Mark 6:21-43, Jairus comes to Jesus begging Him to help his sick daughter. Jairus has a schedule to keep in order for his daughter to survive. Jesus goes with the him, but along the way gets sidetracked by another woman who is in need. While Jesus is helping her one of Jairus’ servants comes to let them know that his daughter has died, and that they don’t need to trouble Jesus any longer. Jesus hears them, and says these words to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” Jesus is letting Jairus, and the others, know that He’s not controlled by time or our schedules — He is the author of time, just like He’s the creator of the winds and waves, and the spiritual realm. When we put our trust in Him, we trust that His timing and schedule is better than anything we could come up with.

I won’t spoil the rest of the story for you — you should read it yourself! — but I will let you know that Jesus once again demonstrates that He is God, and that there’s nothing that stands outside of His control. And if He’s all powerful then there’s no where I’d rather be than standing next to Him.

Just a reminder that our weekly gathering starts at 6pm on Sunday, and we have a prayer time before the service from 4:30-5:30. Hope to see you then!

Pastor Mike


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