
Summer is officially here! And with that comes the time to get away, enjoy God’s creation, see family and friends, and generally just unwind. It’s a good thing to do. It’s an important thing to do. In fact, it’s something God tells us we need to do. On a weekly basis it’s called Sabbath rest (see Exodus 20 and Mark 2:23-28). Throughout the year there are appointed seasons and celebrations (Genesis 1:14-19), as well as times to work and times to rest (Ecclesiastes 3). Through the summer, many of our people will be away resting, and this is a good thing. In fact, right now as I type I’m away at a Pastor’s Conference being spiritually fed and physically rested. As followers of Jesus, we need to rest in Him if we’re going to be effective disciples and disciple makers.
So if you’re away this summer, I won’t be disappointed or frustrated, I’ll be encouraged! Just make sure you come back ready to serve and work for God’s Kingdom in the south end of Lindsay!
As part of my rest I won’t be preaching this Sunday at The Centre (although I will be there). Our local FEB Association has a pulpit exchange on the Sunday after Pastor’s Conference to give each pastor an added break, so Wes Hill from Bancroft will be coming to preach. I hope you’ll be able to make it out (if you’re not away!) to hear Wes and hear how God is moving in one of our sister churches.
Pastor Mike
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