Spiritual Disciplines: Silence and Solitude

Spiritual Disciplines: Silence and Solitude

This week we’re going to begin our look at Spiritual Disciplines and we’re going to start with one that many people struggle with, especially in our day and culture: silence and solitude. This discipline is one that is sorely lacking in our current lifestyle. We are constantly plugged in and tuned in, with our faces towards a screen (and you must be right now if you’re reading this!). We are busy running from one thing to another, and it seems that there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. And then there are the added pressures we put upon ourselves in how we present our lives to others, and how we believe they see us. It is exhausting to just think about!

Christianity has always been counter-cultural, and practicing silence and solitude certainly goes against the current of our society. Slowing down, stopping, being still, and listening to God — these attitudes and practices do not come naturally! They take time to practice and cultivate. But they are so important for us to do if we are going to grow and mature in our faith. Jesus demonstrated this by routinely finding a solitary place to go to, away from crowds and pressures of ministry, to be silent before His Heavenly Father (Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35, Luke 4:42). God commanded the Psalmist to “Be still and know that I am God,” to stop and listen, and remember that it is not up to us to do everything. God knows what we need in order to be spiritually healthy and mature. Slow down, stop, wait upon the Lord and you will find strength (Isaiah 40).

Blessings, Pastor Mike


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