Spring, Warm Weather, and Good Gifts
It was too nice a day to start off in front of the computer so I took a walk instead, and I’m so thankful that I did. It seems as the nice weather returns it’s not only animals that come out of hibernation, or birds that return from down south! As I walked through our neighbourhood I saw people out gardening and cleaning up their yards. People sitting on their front porch with friends, enjoying a coffee and some fresh air, and probably having a good conversation. There were people out walking their dogs, taking their time, allowing the dog to meander and sniff every scent. No one seemed to be in a rush. No one seemed hurried to get past this part of the day. Each person seemed to be at peace.
Along the way I stopped to talk with a few people that are connected to The Centre. They were wondering when our next BBQ was going to be — another sure sign of Spring! As we chatted and got caught up they let me know what was happening in their part of the neighbourhood, and they told me that some of the rougher elements of the community had moved out. They felt more secure and safe, and were happy that the kids in the area wouldn’t have to hear and see everything that goes along with places like that. Again, there was a sense of peace and joy, and being happy in the moment.
I know that not everyday will be like this. I know that there will be struggles and times of frustration that come our way, both individually and for The Centre. I know that people we love will move away. Others we love will get sick and suffer. Others will face family issues and breakdowns. People will lose their jobs. People we love will pass away.
But right now, things are good. Let’s enjoy this time. Thank God for the grace He gives us, and remember that all good gifts come from Him. Psalm 84 would be good to read right now!
Just a reminder that this Sunday evening we’re blessed to have Darin Martin come and lead us in story and song. This will be a great night to invite friends out (although every Sunday is a good time to do that!). You can check out some of his music at http://darinmartinmusic.com. Hope to see you there!
Pastor Mike
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