Philippians: Know the Truth

Philippians: Know the Truth

How do you know what is truth? Sometimes it seems like the loudest voice, or the most persuasive person is the one holding the truth card. But simply saying something is true doesn’t make it so. There are numerous examples of this taking place in our culture today.

So how can we hold on to the truth? By immersing ourselves in truth. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). He also said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). In fact, there are well over 50 references in the New Testament that point to Jesus and His teachings as the truth. If we are to hold on to the truth we must know it, and keep it constantly before us. It isn’t enough to read it once and then put it aside.

When we know the truth, and always have it before us, then we can test and see what is good and right. There are many competing voices, and people who say they have the truth, but if what they say doesn’t line up with who Jesus is or what He taught, then it most assuredly isn’t the truth.

And one of the easiest and best ways to keep the truth before us is to keep meeting with other Christians, and encouraging each other. There are a few options each week at The Centre, but we don’t need to limit ourselves to those. Find fellow believers, spur them on, share the truth.

This week at The Centre:

Wednesday evening (7-9pm) – women’s gathering at the Kleinhuis’.  This is an informal gathering for any women at The Centre, or friends of The Centre, to come out and get to know others in the church. Amanda will also be sharing a little bit about the video series the women will be starting next week.

Friday morning (7-8:30am) – men’s bible study at Tim Horton’s on Lindsay St. This week Mike will be leading the group through Proverbs 3.

Sunday evening (6-7pm) – our weekly gathering at Bethel. We will be continuing our series in the letter to the Philippians looking at 3:1-14. To help prepare for the service, read the whole letter — it’ll only take 15 minutes.

Next Tuesday (7-9pm) – music practice at Bethel. All are welcome to come.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, February 25th (11am-2pm) – this is a fundraiser for Youth Unlimited, an organization that shares the love of Jesus with youth in Lindsay. There will be lots of great soup from local restaurants, live music, and more soup!

Have a blessed week!

Pastor Mike


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