Philippians 3:12-21

Philippians 3:12-21

In high school I was a member of the track team for a few years.  I didn’t like it.  It wasn’t that I couldn’t compete, or didn’t do well, but I hated the solitude.  I hated the fact that everything rested upon my shoulders – if I lost it was all on me.  Some people enjoy the pressure, but not me.  I’m a team player!  I enjoy working with others, partnering with others, and allowing their strengths to compliment my weaknesses and vice versa.  However, being part of a team didn’t mean that I could slack off and give up practicing and honing my skills.  I still had to get better and improve, but I did this for the team, not just for myself.  If I improved, the team improved.

In the same way we as Christians must continue to become more like Christ (this is called sanctification).  But we do this not for ourselves, but first for Jesus and then for the whole body of Christ because we are all part of the same body (read 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4).  And as we do this we look to one another for encouragement and direction and support.  We do not do this on our own!  If we try to follow Jesus on our own, we go against the body of Christ, and we go against God.

This Sunday we’ll be looking at Philippians 3:12-21.  Please read over the passage a few times before Sunday so that you’re familiar with it.

Pastor Mike


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