Philippians 4:1-9
I think most people like to give a good first impression when they meet someone new. There’s a story about a gentleman who was going to be late for an interview. He drove quickly into the parking lot, pulled into the first space he saw, but cut off another person who was about to take the space. The other gentleman who was cut off rolled down his window and yelled at the guy who was late, telling him he’d been waiting for that space. The guy who was late smiled, waved, and went inside making the other guy even more angry. He rushed into the office with one minute to spare, grabbed a seat and waited to be called in. When he was finally called in for the interview he walked through the door and saw the man he’d just cut off in the parking lot. First impressions do matter!
If we are to follow Jesus there should be a few characteristics that people notice when they first meet us. We should be joyful. We are children of the most high God and we need to constantly remember that. What can separate us from His love? Nothing! We should also be gentle with those we meet, whether we are driving, walking, or speaking to someone. Our gentleness should be evident to all! Another characteristic we should look to have is being peaceful. We are called to be peacemakers, people who bring calm and comfort to every situation, who look to build up and encourage rather than criticize and tear down.
It isn’t always easy to do — we will mess up. But when we do sin we need to remember that we have a Saviour who will forgive all our sins if we confess them to Him, and trust in Him. And that’s also a good reminder that we too need to be people full of grace.
This Sunday will be our second last week in Philippians as we look at 4:1-9. I’d encourage you to read it over a few times this week, and examine your life to see where you are doing well and where you are falling short.
Pastor Mike
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