Unpacking the Story: Week Three
One organization that I really appreciate is IJM – International Justice Mission (ijm.ca). Their mandate is to free people who are caught in human trafficking, as well as to prosecute those who are committing the crimes. They go to some of the most difficult and dangerous areas in the world to free people who really have no hope. But they don’t stop there. After the people are freed they continue to minister to them, rehabilitating and training them so that they can truly be free from a life of poverty. And they do all of this in the name of Jesus. It is a wonderful story of redemption.
To redeem someone in the Old Testament meant that a person who was enslaved had to be purchased by another person in order to be set free, and then the one who redeemed them could set the person free. Throughout the Old Testament this theme is repeated, sometimes on a large scale such as when God redeems the people of Israel from their enemies, or on a smaller scale such as in the story of Ruth and Boaz (found in the book of Ruth). In each case, those who are freed from slavery are freed by someone who has power and authority. And all of these episodes of redemption point towards the ultimate redeeming act, when Jesus comes into the world, pays for our sins through His sacrificial death, and sets us free from our slavery to sin.
On Sunday we’re going to trace this story of redemption right from Genesis up into the gospels. I hope that you’ll be able to come and worship with us and see how God had a plan to free us from slavery right from the start. Our gathering starts at 6pm.
Have a wonderful week!
Pastor Mike
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