Unpacking the Story: Week Two
Last week we looked at the Creation of all things, and that we are made by God and for God. Our purpose in life is to glorify Him in everything we do. Our reality in this life is that we don’t do that all the time; we mess up, we fall short, we sin.
An easy way to describe sin is that it is simply the absence of God. Anytime we act, or even think, apart from God’s leading we can easily fall into sin (and usually do). Anytime we put something other than God as first in our life, we fall into sin. Anytime we think we know what’s best and can do it on our own, we fall into sin. Sin is the absence of God – read John 3:19-21 and Romans 1:18-23.
But sin is always our choice. God doesn’t force us to sin (He can’t, because that would go against His character); Satan doesn’t force us to sin; no one on earth can force us to sin. It always has been and always will be a choice that we make. So the big question that will likely come to your mind is, “Why would God allow this to wreck our relationship with Him, and destroy His creation?” Great question! We’ll look at that on Sunday – hope to see you there!
In the meantime, you can read through Genesis 3-4 to help you prepare for Sunday. I hope you have a wonderful week!
Pastor Mike
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